Jumat, 21 April 2017

Conversation Affirmative and Negative

Conversation Conditional Sentences

A : what are you doing?
B : i'm browsing in the internet
A : may I see?
B : no, this is private.
A : are you searching for negative things?
B : hehe
A : you are not suppose to do that. internet are only use for positive things. Like finding an article, searching for information, and other positive things.
B : i'm sorry, i will not do it again.

Kirana = what do you do?
santin = iam playing browse in the google chrome or internet explorer?
kirana = my i see , what your playing?
santin = yes, all right
kirana = oh, so it's game so dangerous
santin = why, it's game so dangerous?
kirana = why, if you play game browes you, will effects negatif
santin = try, you mention what is the effects negative
kirana = can makes your eyes tired, and makes your brain stupid
santin = really?
kirana = so really, better you answering question in the browse
santin = yes, thankyou for nownsement
kirana = all right, you understand
santin = yes, i am understand, now i will pen the question in the browse
kirana = good luck
santin = thanks a lot
kirana = agains, your are welcome

Kelompok = -fadil hasan
                       - prema sanjaya

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